Step 1 of 2

  • Information for Visitors
    Welcome to Killgerm Group Ltd
    To assist us in maintaining a safe and secure environment, you are requested to observe the following rules:
    Safety and Security
    • Advise your host if you have any special needs
    • You must be accompanied by a Killgerm or PestWest employee at all times
    • Follow the instructions on all signs and notices
    • Be aware of your own safety and that of others
    First Aid and Incidents
    • If you have an accident or incident, report it to your host immediately. Your host will ensure the correct first aid and reporting procedures are carried out.
    Emergency Instructions
    If the fire alarm is activated:
    • Stay with your host and leave the building immediately via the nearest fire exit. DO NOT USE THE LIFT
    • Proceed to the fire assembly point located in the carpark near the railings, opposite Reception doors
    • DO NOT re-enter the building until instructed it is safe to do so.
    If you discover a fire, break the nearest fire alarm call point and evacuate the building immediately.
    By completing the form below, you agree to follow these rules and procedures.